Justice system in the USA: Should Juvenile be tried as adult

Essay by siakajoeUniversity, Bachelor'sB, July 2010

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Juvenile Justice System in the USA: Should Juveniles be tried as adults

The origin of juvenile corrections in the United States goes, back at least to the opening of the New York House of Refuge in 1825. This house of refuge was established to meet the same kinds of needs the Juvenile Justice System of today tries to meet, including avoidance of harsh criminal penalties for unfortunate children, segregating 'pre-delinquent' children from hardened delinquents, providing 'proper' moral, ethical, political, and social values and role models for deprived children, and treating such children as victims rather than offenders. The primary role of the juvenile court was not to establish guilt but rather to rehabilitate youthful offenders by eliminating the problem causing the juvenile to engage in delinquent behavior.

The function of the juvenile court system is to take a somewhat fatherly and protective attitude toward children, whether to offer humanitarian assistance or parental punishment.

Juvenile court was primarily established however by a desire to avoid prisons for children by establishing special juvenile court which would not send children to prison. The juvenile court is also used to somewhat scare the young offender with its dark wooden atmosphere and flags to represent how alive the government is. The courts main function however is to find the best rehabilitation method for that individual. Should it be community service, a curfew or counseling, these are just a few options the court has in sentencing a young offender

Historical Perspective of Juvenile Justice

Because the first formal juvenile court was so labeled on July 1, 1899, which would make the Juvenile Justice System nearly a century old. However, the origins of the various components of the JJS go back much further than that. The notion of separate treatment for children under criminal law goes back...