Kabbadi- Wrestling Within India

Essay by sweetstaHigh School, 12th gradeA, September 2006

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Kabbadi is a team pursuit sport and is mainly played in the Asian regions of India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

This fun filled game can closely be related to what is known as wresting in the western hemispheres. Kabbadi is all about two opposing teams, each consisting of twelve athletes, out of which seven players are placed in the field and five players are held as substitutes on the benches.

Kabbadi is a game that consists of two halves that each last for approximately twenty minutes, an interval lasting five minutes takes place between these two halves. The teams are given time to change sides of the field during this interval. The area of the field in which this game takes place is exactly measured to 12. 5 meters by 10 meters. This field is again subdivided into two halves.

The offensive teams dispatches one of its players who has to intrude the opposing team's half of the field and repeatedly chant the words "Kabaddi, Kabaddi"

The intruder's goal is to touch or wrestle any player of the opposing team to the ground and to return to his team's half.

If the intruder returns safely to his team's half then the person from the opposing team that had been touched or wrestled by the intruder is out of the game.

The goal of the defensive team is to prevent the intruder from returning to his half of the field until he isn't wrestled down to the ground by one of the defensive team's player.


Each team takes turns in sending a player into the defensive half of the field. Once one of the players accidentally or purposely goes over a boundary line during the course of the play, or if any part of his body touches the ground outside the boundary, he will be out, except during a clash with the intruder .

When a complete team, whether it's the offensive or defensive team, is out the victorious team is allotted to a bonus of two points. This is called a 'lona.'

The level of these matches are determined on the base of height, weight and age of each individual athlete taking part in the Kabaddi match.

The match is supervised by seven officials. This team consists of one referee, two umpires, two linesmen, a time keeper and a person who keeps track of the scores.

After much research it is believed that the popular game of Kabaddi is at least 4000 years old and presumably is originated in the state of Tamil Nadu in India.

The game of Kabaddi has lost its popularity around Asia over the years. However it has maintained its stance and values in India and is treated considered to be the National sport of this country. Kabaddi is widely played throughout the Northern regions of India especially in the state of Punjab, a state that has a reputation of producing the most finest players of this sport in the world.

India boasts to be the only country in the world that has its own practicing national federation for this game. This organization is known by the name of The Kabaddi Federation of India (KFI). This federation was founded in 1950, and it has compiled and published a standard set of rules to play this game. Another federation that exists in India that is exclusively dedicated to help amateur athletes excel their skills in this game is The Amateur Kabaddi Federation of India (AKFI) . This federation was founded in 1973. This federation is known to have brought a few alterations and modifications in the rule book of the game. Such measures were taken by the AKFI to make this game more suitable for players of all ages.
