To Kill a Mockingbird: Scout Finch

Essay by mury22High School, 10th gradeA, September 2009

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The novel To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, has many interesting characters such as Atticus Finch, Arthur 'Boo' Radley, Aunt Alexandra, Scout Finch, Jem Finch, Tom Robinson, Mr. Dolphus Raymond, etc.. However, Scout Finch is a character that has sparked my interest. The novel is written from Scout's point of view. Scout is a young girl who has a very interesting train of thought, capturing my attention with her blunt, naïve point of view. Along with the capturing story, Harper Lee takes us on a subtle journey of seeing Scout mature and learn more about the abhorrence and prejudice in the world.

Throughout this novel, Scout becomes more aware of the world and its cruelty. We are first introduced to Scout as being a young naïve girl. One day at school Scout states, "…Jem says my name's really Jean Louise Bullfinch, that I got swapped when I was born and I'm really a-"(Lee 17).

Scout was speaking with her teacher, Miss Caroline, at school one day resulting in this statement. Scout was just rambling on about the silly names her brother has for her and his reasoning behind the name. Through this statement Harper Lee shows the reader Scout's immaturity.

Scout goes on to learn many important values. She learns that she must look at situations through others' eyes. Her father, Atticus tells her, "If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view-" (Lee 30). Scout took her father's words to heart, which one may see through her actions and thoughts throughout the book. Scout ponders about a scenario between her and Boo Radley, "[She] imagined how it would be: when...