kinetic theory

Essay by honda12High School, 11th grade May 2014

download word file, 7 pages 0.0


Your focus should be on events from 1905 onwards, and wherever possible, aim to outline how these events and their consequences weakened autocracy.

Account for the growing discontent by 1905 of the following groups:

Peasants- a life of poverty, drunkenness and squalor

85% of population

Long history of violent rebellion, most famous the Pugachev rebellion of 1973-75

In 1900 most common peasant grievance was discontent with the emancipation edict made in 1861 which freed them from serfdom but only granted them half the land they felt was theirs by right.

There wasn't enough land as population increased rapidly (50% between 1860-1897) so more competition for land

Many in crushing debt to buy land off Govt. this land was often barely enough to survive n let alone pay off loans

Most only produced enough food for themselves. some earned extra money by making clothes, furniture or articles to sell in town but many worked on nobles estate to earn extra

Diet: rye bread and porridge, cabbage soup, fish was common and meat was rare

Tea, vodka and beer popular drinks

Avg life expectancy <40

Regular epidemics of diphtheria and typhus

When crops were good plenty of food to go around but when crops were bad there was starvation and disease

Backward farming techniques and rudimentary tools (wooden ploughs, few tools and animals) hence hard physical labour

Lived in self-governing village communities called mirs

DISCONTENT ROSE: Tsar wanted to industrialize Russia and the majority of the money to do so came from the Russian people.

The peasants had to pay heavy taxes on grain and taxes on everyday items increased. Policy worked well until poor harvests in 1900 and 1902- peasants squeezed to point where could barely survive and now they were starving. Outbreaks...