
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Master's February 2008

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leading other is not easy. senge says the leader bears an almost sacred duty to create conditions that enable people to grow and have happy and productive lives. the new leadership ideas put forward in the last ten to fifteen years begin to define this kind of leadership dealing with followers' core values. yet, most people are locked into traditional thinking and have largely ignored these ideas. nevertheless, the real leader among us think in these terms and practice this kind of leadership, and they have done for generations.

the leadership style you adopt in different situtation can infuluence both how well you group accomplishes its goals and how well it maintains itself. a successful business leader might not be as successful as a PTA president or as a commander of a combat unit. a person might be a leader at work and a follwer at home. researchers saw that different situation called for different leadership styles.

the concept of shared leadership was born. there are two types of leaderships autocrat, and democratic leadership.

autocrat leader who makes all the decisions, then tells subordinates how to implement them. the autocract may or may not consider what the subordiantes feel about the decision. subordiantes have no opportunity to participate in decision making.

on the other hand, there is democartic leadership. the leadership involves members in decision making either by reaching consensus or by using parlimentary procedure. they pusue, trusting, follower-oriented relationship.

we all want to get away from top-management. we don't want to tell people what to do, or be told what to do. yet if it weren't for the inspired leadership of a few dedicated people, many co-ops wouln't exist. since in workers-managed co-ops we are going to have leaders-in fact we're all leaders at time-we need democratic leadership.