Essay by Katinacc June 2005

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Legal Issue Analysis: The Gov. McGreevey Scandal

Sexual harassment has been a prevalent issue throughout the world for many years. People were sexually harassed for years and the person responsible for the harassment received no form of punishment. That is until the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed. Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, sexual harassment was cited as a form of discrimination. These laws made it possible to punish a person for sexual harassment. When many people think of the phrase "sexual harassment", they often only think of men sexually harassing women, but it has been found that men are sexually harassed in the workplace just as often as women are. Same sex harassment should not be overlooked either. The case that I am going to discuss involves a man that was allegedly sexually harassed, but there is a twist to the story.

Another man allegedly harassed him.

The case involves Gov. James McGreevey, who was the governor of New Jersey and a former state employee by the name of Golan Cipel, who was his aide. Cipel came forward with his allegations in August. "While employed by one of the most powerful politicians in the country, I was the victim of repeated sexual advances by him", was the statement that was released by Attorney Allen Lowry on behalf of his client Golan Cipel. (CNN.Com). McGreevey met Cipel while touring Israel in 2000, while he was running for governor. They met and hit it off immediately. Soon after, McGreevey paved the way for Cipel to return to the United States. Six months later Cipel was working on Mcgreevey's campaign. (CNN.Com). After first working in a $30,000 per year position, Cipel was named to the state Office of Homeland Security earning $110,000 per year.