Lenin and His Coming of Power after the Russian Revolution- Follows Lenin's Implementation of the April Thesis: Peace, Bread and Land while in Power

Essay by brookayA-, September 2006

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Once the Tsar abdicated and the Provisional Government came to power, Vladimir Lenin, leader of the Bolshevik party, immediately adopted general ideas about the future of Russia. He demanded that there should be a worldwide socialist revolution, the soviets should take power and no longer cooperate with the weak Provisional government, land should be given to the peasants and Russia was to end her involvement in the war. By the end of April 1917, Lenin had used his captivating personality and power of argument as a means to convince the Bolsheviks to adopt his ideas. As a result, the Bolsheviks made them party policy. Using slogans such as, "peace, bread, land" and "all power to the soviets!" the Bolsheviks gained massive support from the down trodden people. Thus with thorough planning, complete organisation and massive support, the Bolsheviks easily overthrew the provisional government in 1917. Following this upheaval, they immediately took steps into consolidating power and translating Lenin's inspiring ideas into practice.

One of the main ideas Lenin put forward during his captivating speech in April, was to end Russia's involvement in the war. This was termed the "decree on peace" and Lenin immediately translated it into practice. This was achieved through the signing of the treaty of Brest Litovsk. Although Russia lost ¼ of her land and many valuable resources, the treaty was the only way of achieving peace in Russia. In the short term, Lenin's decree on peace was accomplished successfully. However, the Civil War between the reds and the whites proved to remove peace from Russia. It temporarily brought terror and brutality to the country. Thankfully, the war ended after many years in 1921, and this sought to bring back the peace Russia had once gained through the treaty of Brest Litovsk.

The distribution of land...