Let's just say I had a lot of fun writing this creative writing piece, for class. Teacher gave "A" for creative use of time. Very "a la Matrix," but dont let that distract you ;)

Essay by yourname146High School, 12th gradeA+, May 2004

download word file, 9 pages 4.3 3 reviews

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In the year 2024, when the Earth is controlled by robots and all private thought is controlled by the Protectorate, one man will stand above it all, rise to the occasion, and free humanity from the evil that consumes it. He will be...

Tall, dark haired with a steady gait, Kyle heads out. It's 5:30 am one spring morning. Down on West Street, people begin to rise to the call of their alarm clocks as the sun melts the last traces of fog away. The dingy street lights click off one by one. Lou opens his café, dropping the sign down - "Scrambled Eggs and Sausage- $3." Mrs. Johanssen leaves her door, ancient bloodhound at her side. Traffic is already picking up, for now a steady flow. In a few minutes, there will be hundreds more people taking this popular route to their offices on the outskirts of town.

Over on 5th, Big Man's Gym opens with no ceremony- Chuck flings open the door, and turns back in to his coffee...

I leave at 5:30 every morning. I have to if I want to get in my training. And I do want to get in my training. I plan to be the first person from my state to become an Olympic swimmer. I barely have two more years until the next one.

I turn down onto West Street, walking up to old Lou's. It's not the Chocolate Chip pancakes that I was hoping for. I kept walking.

I saw Mrs. Johanssen across the street, walking Charles. I wave to her, remembering when she used to baby-sit me, and that dog...

I still don't like that dog very much.

She doesn't wave back to me, instead keeps walking down the street. I can never tell if she really can't...