Let's Just Talk about It- The problems of knowledge dealing with the Danish Cartoons on the Prophet Muhamed.

Essay by cherrylicious1905High School, 11th gradeA+, October 2006

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The date today is March 23, 2006, the era of communication is well developed; the internet, for example, has become the fountain of all information available and yet somehow through all this development a great failure has occurred. The fact that this information is available has not yet meant that there is understanding; which to some extent is crucial. Misinterpretations, confusion, and even conflict arise due to the lack of comprehension. Just because material is available does not mean that one's responsibilities end, but now with all this information we are obliged to clarify it. Therefore expressions of opinion as biased as they may be are easily misinterpreted; such is the case of the Danish cartoon drawings that caused riots and discontent among some Islam-based nations. The implications of these cartoons, and the expression of freedom they represent, almost lead to global war but further lead to division of an already divided group because of the lack of 'civilized' communication.

The first problem of knowledge that is faced when dealing with political cartoons is interpretation, who is this directed to, who is the audience, how well will people understand what they are trying to say? Political cartoons are intended to push buttons, the cross the line so that closed lines of communication are reopened; in the case of the Danes this did occur...eventually. To an uninformed, relatively ignorant person these cartoons would seem to be xenophobic of Muslim Arabs. Therefore the medium of the cartoons has to be analyzed. They were printed in a newspaper, which can be bought at any street corner shop. Therefore it is available to whoever decided to buy the newspaper on that specific day, so is the message then portrayed to an educated audience? Judging from the results, this was not the case. The problem...