A letter to King George III of England expressing whether or not he should allow the colonists to declare their independence from England.

Essay by crazychikaJunior High, 8th gradeA+, January 2006

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We Demand Independence Now!

Dear King George III,

You have caused us all pain and suffering. Your ignorance and inequality has greatly affected our lives. The horrible acts you put on us gave us reason to be infuriated. We have decided that there is only one solution. We, the colonists, will declare independence and break away from the ever vicious hold of Britain.

We have the right to be enraged because your commands are overwhelming. You have placed tax after tax on our community. We were not able to have our molasses and other products from the West Indies because you commanded so with the Sugar Act. For every document and piece of paper bought we had to pay a tax because of the Stamp Act. This taxation was placed without any American representation. The Townshend Acts was a tax placed at the harbors and not at the store.

The British Parliament tried to trick us. We are not that gullible. The Tea Act only allowed us to buy tea from the British East India Company. We should have the right to make our own decisions. The Navigation Acts have forced us to only trade with Britain, who in return sold us the same item, but for more money. The Proclamation of 1763 forced us to not move west of the Appalachian Mountains for which we fought and gave our lives for. Since you could not protect us from the Native Americans because of your war debt, which you paid us pay for, we were not able to move to our new gained lands. To enforce the Proclamation of 1763, you sent dozens of soldiers to our colonies. We had to provide them with food, beer, a place to sleep, and transportation because you passed the Quartering Act.