lincoln management school

Essay by alicechen111Elementary School, 2nd gradeF, November 2014

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To: John Smith

From: Xiaoyu Chen (xchen72)

Date: September 30, 2014

Re: Grammar testing in the hiring process

After reading the Kyle Wiens' article, "I won't hire people who use poor grammar. Here is why," in the July 20, 2012 issue of the Harvard Business Review, I would like to make some recommendations on the decision of adding grammar testing in hiring process.

Wiens, in his first line, leaps into the heart of the matter that it is important to take into account an applicant's grammatical ability, regardless of the job they are applying for. He says, "I've found that people who make fewer mistakes on a grammar test also make fewer mistakes when they are doing something completely unrelated to writing-like stocking shelves or labeling parts."

I see merit in Mr. Wiens' position. Indeed, being a good communicator is a career asset in any profession because people always need to deal with so many people.

It's important that people present a professional image and make sure all our communications with clients are held up to professional standards. It's hard to take someone seriously if he sends you an email that's written like a text message. Hence, knowing how to communicate and write with good grammar is a fundamental requirement for a qualified candidate.

In addition, good grammar makes people look more intelligent. Someone with a wide vocabulary and great grammar will do a better job impressing a client. In a Forbes article, experienced journalist Susan Adams, listed the reasons why she thinks good grammar at work is important. She said that good grammar shows that an employee knows when to use context appropriate language. It also shows respect to the person they're talking to and finally it shows that they are organized people. Employers value an organized...