Lit Review on Gaming's affect on aggression

Essay by revjiggsUniversity, Bachelor's March 2012

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Critically Evaluate the Claim that ' Aggression' is the Product of Evolution

Chris Thompson

APSY 4021

University of Cumbria




The evolutionary explanation founded by Charles Darwin can be used to explain how evolution can be used to explain why people are aggressive. This explanation helps us explain why people may be predisposed to being aggressive. This explanation of aggression tells us that the way our ancestor reacted to danger is what is seen as aggressive behavior. A few core parts of the evolutionary explanation of aggression are survival of the fittest which states that the strongest live give on the genes. Another part is the fight or flight response which has been developed to explain why the modern day man has aggressive behavior. Finally the tend and befriend theory which helps us explain why women who have less testosterone can still be aggressive. Another point to make is that we need people to be aggressive so that we can survive and don't get wiped out.

As well as this considering the nature verses nurture argument that argues between whether aggression is cause by how we are raised or is it something to do with our genes.


Critically Evaluate the Claim that ' Aggression' is the Product of Evolution

Aggression is thought of as frustration that people direct outwards as a hostile or offensive action. Evolution is defined as change over time. So when it is stated that aggression is a product of evolution, it means that aggression is a response that has developed over time. The evolutionary explanation talks about survival of the fittest. It can be assumed from this that only the strongest as more dominant creatures survive. It also talks about the fight or flight response as an evolved response to dangers which can...