Lord of the Flies- William Golding. Piggy's symbolism goes beyond that of his name. What other aspects of symbolism are linked to him?

Essay by Muse May 2004

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Piggy is automatically disadvantaged the first time we see him; he is described as "the fat boy" who disturbs the undergrowth. When compared to the "fair boy," he seems the less fortunate of the two; Ralph already seems like an extension of the island, but Piggy keeps getting caught up in the creepers. While he's stumbling around, Ralph is walking about gracefully. Piggy acts very franticly, asking questions to Ralph,, while Ralph is answering calmly and busy being delighted and standing o his head. He tries to make friends with Ralph by asking his name and confiding in him, even though he's a stranger. When Ralph avoids telling Piggy his name, we see Piggy as an outcast, a child that we often see standing alone because he doesn't have any friends. He tags along after Ralph and doesn't take a hint when Ralph starts to run off because he knows Piggy wouldn't be able to keep up.

Another disability comes up-asthma. Childhood is a time to make friends and run around, but with asthma, Piggy couldn't do any of this-he missed out on it. Piggy talks with pride about him being the only child in his school to have asthma, and about him wearing glasses since he was three. This is kind of sad because they are the only things that make him special, it's the only thing that makes him stand out.

The glasses are very important to the story and to Piggy. When he talks about stuff that upset him and makes him cry, he uses them as a distraction to point away from the fact that he is crying. He takes them off and cleans them when he gets upset. It never actually says that he is crying in those words, but when he cleans his...