Lord of the Rings: The Departure of the Fellowship

Essay by NavjitHigh School, 11th gradeA-, June 2004

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Contemporary audiences can read and appreciate Shakespeare's plays today because they understand many of the discourses operating in the play Othello also operate today. However as Jason Kang's short story demonstrates, modern writers are just as likely to challenge Shakespeare's view.

This is one of the countless feasible short stories written by Jason Kang that follows the intriguing The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien.



The first glimmer of spring was in the air of Gondor as Legolas was treading the path through the mountains towards the glittering caves to meet his old companion Gimli and invite him to the Undying Lands in the West. Though, he knew that Gimli had other plans for his future. He intended to go back to Khazad-dum and live in the halls of his fore fathers. For he knew that Gimli desired to be buried next to his kinsmen Balin in the Chamber of Mazarbul as Gimli himself had told Legolas many years before.


Before him at the entrance of the caves, to his great delight, was a dwarf, venerable and with a lengthy beard, streaked with grey.

"Well met, Gimli, son of Gloin," Legolas said in his musical voice.

"Legolas," replied Gimli, bowing low. When raising his head, the dwarf noticed how the face of his friend had not changed at all since first they had met at the beginning of the fellowship of the ring.

"Have you heard the news of Aragorn?", Gimli said solemnly.

Legolas nodded sadly.

"They say that Merry and Pippin were positioned alongside him for his final rest. I cannot imagine of any better company that the Lord of Gondor could have. And you know what this means, Legolas? We two are all that is...