LTO Syllabus

Essay by kissingwindUniversity, Bachelor's September 2014

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Ryder MBA 6014 LTO Fall 2014 Page -­‐ 1

MBA 6014

Leadership, Teams, & Organizations

Fall 2014 Instructor: Paul Ryder, Ph.D.


Phone: (415) 595-­‐9935

Office: Malloy 234

Teaching Assistant: Mackenzie O'Donnell. (415) 847-­‐0439.

Office Hours:

Office Hours by appointment. Office hours can be scheduled either with Mackenzie or me up to 48 hours in advance. I will also be available after class on Thursdays. My office is on the Hilltop Campus. I also share an office on the 5th floor with Dr. Vijay Mehrotra. If you schedule a meeting time, please be sure to indicate location as well.

Classroom location: 101 Howard Street Campus. Section 1 meets in Room 527 and Section 2 meets in Room 453.

Classroom day/times: Tuesday and Thursday from either 9:00-­‐10:50 (Section 2) or 11:00-­‐12:50 (Section 1).

Course Description

Catalog Description:

This course blends the theory and practice of effective leadership in the spirit of the Jesuit Tradition of principled service to others. Although theory is at the heart of this course, practice is where the real leadership learning happens. Through the use of experiential exercises, simulations, cases, dialogue, and reflection, students enhance their authentic leadership skills at the individual, team, and organizational levels. Topics explored include: the leadership-­‐management relationship, motivational models, team dynamics, decision-­‐making, power, and organizational culture.

Ryder MBA 6014 LTO Fall 2014 Page -­‐ 2

Course Overview:

This course focuses on helping you become more effective in leading, working in teams, and influencing organizational processes and culture. Using the Jesuit framework of "becoming a man or woman for others," this course employs a variety of texts, cases, role plays, teamwork assignments and projects, simulations, experiential exercises, personal assessments, and reflection to help you develop a more sensitive inner awareness of yourself as well as a sharpen your...