
Essay by lisaaxoHigh School, 11th grade October 2014

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[Macbeth; macbeth and lady macbeth]

Zahra Anwary

Whether it's cheating on a test, stealing a candy from the candy shop, or lying to a parent, everyone has done something that is deemed "bad" in this society. Most people have done something that has "haunted" them for the rest of their life. That one action has then turned them into someone else because of an ignorant selfish decision.

When this act is supported by a friend or a spouse, it is made that much more okay to go upon it, because it isn't blamed on only one. If one goes in, the other one will follow, whether it's good or bad. In the play Macbeth, Macbeth is supported by his wife, Lady Macbeth to kill the king, Duncan and grab the royalty for themselves.

Lady Macbeth and Macbeth have many similar and different characteristics. This couple ate both egotistical, see things from face-value, and very power-hungry.

While they are both very manipulative, Macbeth is easier to manipulate. Lady Macbeth is eventually guilt-ridden, while guilt never affects Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is also fine with only killing Duncan, whereas Macbeth murders everyone who he feels will take his royalty from him.

The witches tell Macbeth the first three prophecies; Thane of Glams, Thane of Cawdor, and The future King. He is confused at first, but then called the witches to come back, and tell him more, this is his ego growing. He wanted to know, "to be King stands not within the prospect of belief, no more than to be Cawdor". When news came that the Thane of Cawdor is now Macbeth, fuels the fire, his ego starts to build even more. "Glams and Thane of Cawdor! The greatest is behind," Macbeth says aside. Once he is king, to be sure...