The main reason that German people supported Hitler was because they believed he would make the government stronger. Do you agree?

Essay by LovetteHigh School, 11th gradeA+, October 2006

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Hitler's ascent to Chancellor and higher powers were based upon and around the German people's strong resentment towards the previous government officials for losing the war, and being humiliated on a global scale. The Weimar republic system was, to put simply, weak. It had many flaws and had few supporters; their aims weren't clear, there was really no move to recover Germany's strength and economy. They lacked everything the Nazi government was promising to bring forth.

The National Socialist group used the Republic's weaknesses to their advantage; they exploited them in clever, persuasive and hopeful propaganda, paid for by rich anti-communist supporters of the party. Hitler's public speeches were nothing short of brilliant; he put the blame on Jews and other lower sections of the society, giving the public hope of a strong, disciplined and organised leadership, which after the previous chaotic happenings a fair few Germans welcomed with open arms.

The Depression however was the final straw. The public was desperate and their lives were ruined; Hitler's vote score rose increasingly. The need of support made President Hindenburg appoint Hitler as Chancellor in January 1933. To Germans at the time Hitler made sense - he united everyone by providing explanations for Germany's problems. People in Germany were tired of their poor quality of life. Hitler promised to bring back Germany's pride; it was exactly what people wanted to hear. Hitler pledged something for every part of German society: farmers would get higher prices for their produce, unemployed would be given building jobs and the middle class would make profits on their businesses once again. He promised to tear up the Treaty of Versailles.

The government would be made stronger; propaganda would win most Germans over to the Nazi's standards of life which was a disciplined and organised approach.