Major decisions are made at top level management it is

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Master's February 2008

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Major decisions are made at top level management it is later passed on to lower level management which intern pass it on to the rest of the organization. The organization ability to influence decisions is considered casual or indirect participation, workers give advice, which becomes part of the decision process, but other bodies such as top level management make the relevant decisions. Managers do provide employees with opportunities for participation in decision-making process, but I believe it is to gain both a high quality of co-operation and commitment to decision. The way a decision is shaped is based on organization performance evaluation, rewards and time constraints. Employees are encouraged to have an active voice and rewards are given to boost morale. But when it comes to major decision making, the decision was already made before you were asked for input. Sure you are asked for your input, this is part of their strategy.

We meet as groups with top level management on the situation at hand there is a discussion, then a question and answer. Ultimately you are told at a later date that a decision has been made and one must adapt to change. ?Change is good? employees are encourage to change their views for the sake of the company. At first some may protest the situation but later embrace the idea as time goes on. Those who can not produce quality work because they feel affected by the decision will be asked to leave. This strategy as I call it has proven to work for them the work gets done within the time constraints and employees may feel some satisfaction because they allow for an active voice. Although not much of your ideas are used in major decision making because that is just the way management is structured, you do have input on the smaller issues. Such as company policy for example standard company forms used with clients, how they could better cater to the client. Being able to make some type of decisions makes the employee feel empowered they feel as though they have actual power and helps create harmony among management and subordinates. Making high-quality decision is a major organizational concern and is dependent on how managers negotiate the decision-making process. What may work for one organization may not work for another. Culture is important, your environmental setting and a good manager will know what best works for them. In this case using a strategy such as encouraging employees to voice their opinion so they may feel as if their participation really matters. Is in this case working because although major decisions are really made at the top, employees want to feel wanted and appreciated. The organization does this by rewarding employees to boost morale and letting them participate in other decision making. The view is you must find what best suits your organization, who is involved in the decision-making process and how are you able as top decision makers influence your employees to co-operate and commit to decisions.