Male Pattern Baldness

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate August 2001

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Male pattern baldness is a problem that men dread. There is nothing you can really do to stop it from happening. Each day you loss up to fifty hairs. They are replaced with new ones, but in balding people the hair stops coming back. Probably the most common cause of baldness is the use of antineoplastic drugs.

Baldness is also known as alopecia. Alopecia is much more common in men than women. Approximately forty percent of all men have hair loss. Hair loss can result from many things, such as genetic factors, aging, drugs, diet, local skin conditions and diseases that effect the body generally.

The most common type of hair loss that affects men is male pattern baldness or MPB. This really depends on the male hormones called androgens within the hair follicle which are at high levels after puberty.

Baldness is genetic, so it does run in the family.

Hair loss usually starts on the sides near the front or on the top of the head, towards the back.

Hair loss can begin at any age, even in the middle teen years. If you have hair loss this early in life you may go completely bald later in life. Some people only loose some hair and have a bald spot in the back of their head and others have a receeding hairline.

You can also have hair loss if you have a severe illness with a high fever. This is called toxic baldness or toxic alopecia. Taking excessive doses of some drugs like thallium, vitamin A and retinoids can also cause hair loss. Hair loss can also result from an underactive thyroid gland or pituitary gland or even pregnancy. The hair may fall out as long as three or four months after the illness. The hair loss is...