Man On Fire - Film Review

Essay by Drain_Bramaged87 May 2004

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Man on Fire opens with quick flashes of a variety of scenes. Glimpses of what appears to be a city in Mexico; someone being kidnapped; a phone call where a demand for a ransom is made; the release of the victim on a busy street... The pace and intent of the movie is set within the few minutes of the opening credits.

Pulled from Greg's previews at This movie is based upon the novel "Man on Fire" by A.J. Quinnell, which was previously adapted as a 1987 movie starring Scott Glenn (playing Denzel Washington's character), Danny Aiello, Joe Pesci and Jonathan Pryce. Quinnell's novel was reportedly based upon a true story.

John Creasy (Denzel Washington most recently of Out of Time, John Q) is a secretive, mysterious man who we learn has spent time in many countries, mainly in South America. The audience is not told the reason he has traveled, or the nature of his past employment.

As he meets with is longtime friend Reyburn (Christopher Walken~ Pulp Fiction, Sleepy Hollow, the Deer Hunter), we learn that they were in business together, and presumably acted outside of the moral, if not legal as well, expectations of society. We are still not told any more details of their relationship.

Reyburn has heard of a position that may interest Creasy. Samuel Ramos (Marc Anthony~ Hackers, pop singer extraordinaire) is a businessman currently living in Mexico City with his wife Lisa ( Radha Mitchell Phone Booth, High Art), and daughter Lupita also known as Pita. (Dakota Fanning~ Cat in the Hat, I am Sam). Samuel is currently in the middle of several crises. His business is having issues in keeping current with the competition, and because of this his profits are dwindling at an alarming rate. Kidnapping is currently...