"Man's Inhumanity to Man," Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

Essay by Toof_75_75 September 2002

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A black man is whipped and beaten. Three young girls lose their father and all their money is stolen from them. Two families constantly feud and fight. They don't even end this when they begin to lose all those who are close to them. These are all instances of people being treated unfairly. It's man's inhumanity to man that effects many aspects of this novel Huckleberry Finn. Whether people are treated unreasonably in financial matters, physical dealing with each other or people's shallow mined racial views; these are all a part of life. This maybe only one aspect of society, but it is a predominate one, and a very important one at that. People are continuously treated unfairly throughout this novel, and Huck shows his reaction.

The duke and king treat many people in the novel inhumanely. The duke and king impersonate the uncles of three young girls. Their goal is to steal the inheritance money that the girls' late father had left to them.

They were going to take the money and then runaway, leaving the girls with nothing. They showed no concern for the girls. They promised to take the girls with them back to England with them, but that was a lie. The duke and the king didn't care about the girls at all; they simply wanted to use them. The duke and king even planned to sell all of the girls' houses, slaves and land. They both use the unsuspecting girls. Huck saw this and didn't agree with their treatment. He stole away the inheritance that the duke and king had been trying to steal. Then he told the girls what was going on. As he left the town he left a letter, which would, exposes the "uncles" for the frauds, which they were. They also...