A Man In Uniform Essay

Essay by 445426High School, 12th grade July 2014

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Ravinder Basion



Texas Executes a Mexican Citizen Who Killed Police Officer

Edgar Tamayo was wrongfully given the death penalty, for killing a Houston police officer Guy Gaddis in 1994. Tamayo was still put to death on January 22, 2014, despite objections from Mexico, former Texas Governor, and U.S. Secretary of State John F Kerry. Edgar's lawyers turned to higher courts in order to fight to get an alternative punishment, because he was mentally ill and was not legible for the death penalty. "Tamayo's attorneys fought until the last minute to save his life, appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court for a stay of execution. It was denied. They argued that Tamayo had been deprived of his rights because, as a foreign citizen, should have been informed of his right to diplomatic assistance under an international treaty known as the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations". Texas has the most death penalties, totaling to 509 since 1982, more than any other state.

This relates to the topic of injustice and international law that Edgar's rights were not being met as a foreigner. Despite U.S. Secretary of State John F Kerry who objected to this issue and said as a former prosecutor, he shows no sympathy for somebody who would murder a police officer, but this particular case could affect the way Americans are treated overseas.


"BreastmilkMurderer" Gets Mother 20 Years in Prison


Stephanie Greene 39 has been charged and convicted with homicide by child abuse, involuntary manslaughter, and unlawful conduct towards a child. Stephanie Greene was addicted morphine who which killed her daughter through overdose. Stephanie kept her pregnancy and the fact that she was breastfeeding a secret from doctors, in order to continue receiving prescriptions of morphine.

This relates to the topic of justice because...