Mandatory AIDS Testing.

Essay by angelbabe September 2003

download word file, 2 pages 3.7

Mandatory AIDS Testing

General Purpose:

To call to action

Specific Purpose:

To call my audience to action on mandatory AIDS testing.

Central Idea:

The importants of Mandatory AIDS testing program, the ability to control the spread of aids with Mandatory testing, and why we should have mandatory testing to control the spread of aids.

AIDS has become a worldwide epidemic that has struck every identifiable group. However, persons who are considered to be in a high-risk group of contracting HIV, the disease believed to cause AIDS, are still stigmatized by the media and other professionals as being diseased and abnormal. The key word now is prevention. Among many proposed policies to help prevent AIDS infection, one of the most controversial is mandatory AIDS testing. And today, I am going to talk about the Mandatory AIDS testing program, the ability to control the spread of aids with Mandatory testing, and why we should have mandatory testing to control the spread of aids.

Attention/ Introduction

I. There is no mandatory AIDS testing programs (As of today)

II. to the CBC world news station in Canadian (According)

A. Not many cities provide this sort of services

III. Some of the question asked may be very difficult to answer

A. Can Aids testing control the spread of AIDS

B. promoting HIV testing enables those who have tested positive


I. There has be some cases

A. Continues to engage in an unsafe sexual manner

B. Man found trying to donate blood

1. being tested positive twice (After)

2. warned not to donate blood

3. first case the top courts had to deal

C. suing the estate of his homosexual lover

1. failed to say that he carried AIDS

D. Sexual conduct isn't the only thing

1. Red Cross workers could be charged...