Manic Depressive Psychosis

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

download word file, 3 pages 4.3

Manic-depressive Psychosis Manic depression is an illness known to health professionals as bipolar disorder, or Manic-depressive psychosis (Depression 5). This particular mood disorder inflicts the affected person with both episodes of depression, and abnormal behavior known as the "manic state"(Mondimore 79). When experiencing a manic phase, a person may be elated, irritable, or paranoid. They may be hyperactive, talking quickly and loudly switching rapidly from topic to topic (My Web). The more common symptoms are persuasiveness, overconfidence, sudden preoccupations, pressured socialization, spending sprees, and foolish investments (Mondimore 82).

There is also a stage known as the vegetative state within manic-depressive psychosis, although the alleged symptoms do not seem to fit with its name. During this stage, a significantly decreased need for sleep arises along with appetite disturbance, high energy, pressured speech, racing thoughts, and hypersexual behavior(Mondimore 84).

The people who have experienced the "highs" of manic depression describe feeling better that any other time in their life.

They do not understand why anyone would consider that phase to be abnormal (Papolis 5). However, some people with the disorder find the excess energy and excitement completely unbearable. These people may turn to drugs and alcohol to calm the agitation and irritability they are experiencing (Papolis 6).

The manic stage of depression usually requires a person to be hospitalized, although many patients have been treated quite successfully in many various outreach programs (Depression 5). The person's feelings are so intense during this period of depression that they make life unbearable, making the person feel as if the real world is lost and all that is left is the one they have created for themselves(5). These types of manic episodes can vary from person to person, but in general, there are three main stages. The first phase is a mild case...