Mao Zedong and the Chinese Genocide

Essay by cestevesCollege, UndergraduateB+, October 2014

download word file, 9 pages 0.0

"Mao Zedong and the Chinese Genocide"

Many are unaware, but Mao Zedong's Chinese Genocide is noted by Scaruffi as the worst genocide in the 20th and 21st century. Mao's genocide overall killed an average of 60 million to 80 million Chinese citizens, that is around four times more than both Adolf Hitler's and Joseph Stalin's genocides combined. Was Mao Zedong guilty of genocide in China? It is the central thesis of this paper that Mao Zedong was guilty of genocide because his actions satisfy components of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Mao's suppression of the mass of laborers through the Great Leap Forward is evidence that his actions satisfy multiple components of genocide. He initially created unrealistic crop and product output quotas. As well within the Great Leap Forward Mao created gruesome labor camps that he justified through his campaign of re-education by work.

The first component from the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide that Mao's actions satisfy is "acts committed with intent." An example that Mao acted with intent is his statement that the Great Leap Forward would more fully utilize Chinas resources for production, "more, better, faster and more economically."[1] Through the movement of the Great Leap Forward this component is proven by Mao's decision against further expansion of farming land, while increasing the unrealistic crop and product output quotas during the Great Leap Forward. Chinese citizen stated that their, "intensive efforts of 1958 demonstrated that higher yields could be obtained from the present area under cultivation, and the Chinese authorities decided against further expansion of the cultivated area; in fact, they took measures to cut back some of the less productive acreage."[2] This shows through statistics in Figure 1.0 that the 1959...