Marijuana Legalization

Essay by phatbroker2000University, Bachelor'sF, March 2002

download word file, 4 pages 3.6

Imagine that your only father is lying in a hospital bed with one of the many life- threatening ailments. The disease has left him with nothing but agony and he has only a short time left to live. Your only wish is to see him live without pain for the last few weeks of his life. However, this would only be possible by the use of a drug called marijuana. Because marijuana is not legalized for any use including for medical purposes, his pain will torment him until he dies. Pro-legalization leaders have listed the mental and physical pains that are cured by marijuana. But opposers of marijuana point out that for every advantage that comes out of the legalization of marijuana, there are just as many disadvantages that prove it should not be legalized in the first place. Marijuana has many practical medical uses.

Legalizing marijuana would positively effect terminally ill patients.

Under all federal laws, it is currently illegal for any civilian to grow or possess marijuana. This is understandable because there is no apparent reason for an average human being to enhance his/her lifestyle with this depressant. It is Regardless of whether the marijuana is used to ease pain or for other symptoms associated with medical ailments. The use of marijuana should only be used when a physician has determined that a patients health would benefit from its use in the treatment of cancer, anorexia, AIDS, chronic pain, glaucoma, arthritis, migraine, or ''any other illness for which marijuana provides relief."(FDA) When one in five Americans will have cancer, and 20 million may also develop glaucoma, shouldn't our government let physicians prescribe any medicine capable of relieving suffering?

These drugs are supposed to be dispensed by licensed pharmacists only. The physician's recommendation may be oral or written. No...