Marketplace for System Analyst

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Master's February 2008

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The global market demands highly efficient communications, and time-to market pressures require ever-greater efficiency; rapidly changing customer requirements demand organizations that can react quickly. And as levels of management are downsized and workers' responsibilities increase, they need more information, and they need it faster to help the organization compete. This distribution of information has resulted in an unprecedented dependence on information systems.

From 1984 to 1994, the number of computer jobs grew 150%.7 The sector is expected to grow another 150% in the next eight years.7 There are more that 190,000 unfilled Information Technology positions nationwide, and the need for computer specialist will increase 91% by 2005.7 Worldwide revenue for Information Technology professional services was $118 billion in 1995 and is projected to grow at 16.9% to $258 billion by 2000.6 A recent study by the Information Technology Association of America reveals 346,000 IT jobs are currently vacant in U.S.

companies, leaving 1 in 10 jobs unfilled.9 The U.S. Commerce Department's Office of Technology Policy report, America's New Deficit: The Shortage of Information Technology Workers, indicates between 1996 and 2006, more than 1.3 million new systems analysts, computer scientists, engineers, and programmers will be required to meet industry's demands.3 The demand for "networking" to facilitate the sharing of information, the expansion of client/server environments, and the need for specialists to use their knowledge and skills in a problem solving capacity will be a major factor in the rising demand for systems analysts.2 Falling prices of computer hardware and software should continue to induce more businesses to expand computerized operations and integrate new technologies. In order to maintain a competitive edge and operate more cost effectively, firms will continue to demand computer professionals who are knowledgeable about the latest technologies and able to apply them to meet the needs of businesses.