Media Control and the Flow of Information.

Essay by etranzeCollege, UndergraduateA+, February 2004

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Today's mass media is in fact filtered and fragmented, due to the interests held by the Government(s) and the huge multi- national corporations who control and operate a vast majority of the mainstream media including various Broadcast Networks. Their influence has caused political unrest in many situations and is responsible for influencing the average persons interpretation of media. Because most of the media today is specifically tailored to suit those corporations overall needs. Is it fair in the eyes of democracy and/or the freedom of speech to willingly fragment information to benefit ones self? Is the use of "Think Tanks" to alter the mainstream media having an affect on public perception and interpretation?

" Communism is an enormously serviceable tool for achieving morally dubious goals under a morally acceptable cover. It is not acceptable to destabilize a country, overthrow its democratically elected government, and institute a reign of terror in order to lower taxes and wages for one's own multinational firms.

It is necessary to put forward a higher moral imperative." (E. Herman, 1997)

As the accessibility to the media becomes more prominent within the developed nations, technology itself has been used to manipulate the public in ways that alters some of their perceptions due to faulty if not tailored information. Bits and pieces of information are given to the public allowing the evident bombardment to eventually alter what they perceive to have priority. Referring to the "self fulfilling prophecy" in which if a person is told something enough, he/she begins to believe in it (S. Starker 1989). The fact that only a few multi national corporations own the majority of television networks and various radio broadcast stations. Corporate "Think Tanks" are used to steer media attention from news or information that could be used against their employers. Recently, a...