Media Markets and Management

Essay by arnedUniversity, Bachelor's April 2009

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A market is defined as a place where demand and supply of goods and services come together and equilibrium is reached with accordance to price. In communication as a market there is a demand for media and other communication products, a media organization supply that demand and to reach equilibrium a communication price needs to be reached. But the communication market consists of two sub markets, namely an information market and an attention market. In the information market the supplier of information (media product or service) offers the product to the recipient but also demands attention from the recipient. In the attention market the recipient buys the media product (information) and offers his attention to the sender. For example, the consumer has a need for a student newspaper. A media company recognizes this need and supplies the market with the desired product and demands attention from the consumer. To reach equilibrium communication price, the right product price as well as the effort and attention that the consumer has to provide (non-material returns) needs to be met.

The supplier offers a student newspaper at a product price. The demander buys the newspaper and offers his attention to the supplier by reading the paper.

The communication market, like other markets are led by the need to make a profit with communication and media products. Because of the dualistic character of media products (cultural and economic), not only profit is desired but also the attention of the consumer. Communication as a market is dynamic and always in motion.

2.2 Competitors in a competitive marketCompetition between suppliers in a market is an absolute necessity where both conflicted parties benefit. Competition determines a fair price. Without it, too much power would be in the hands of a single supplier, causing a monopoly. Demand and supply...