Mercury In Greek Mythology

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 11th grade July 2001

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Mercury, known in Greek mythology as Hermes, is probably one of the most well known gods in Rome. He is also one of the most liked deities. Mercury represents many, many things ranging from being the god of cunning to the messenger god. He was introduced into Roman mythology around 495 BC and his festival is on the 15th of May. He was undoubtedly a favorite of the gods. Even though Mercury was a very popular god, he was not a very important one.

Mercury is considered to be a beardless youth. He had winged shoes, talaria, fastened to his feet. On his head, he wore a winged cap, also known as a petasos. He constantly carried a staff, a caduceus, which was wrapped around by two snakes and was surmounted by wings. Mercury was born in a cave in Mount Cyllene, in Arcadia. He is the son of the almighty Zeus and Maia, a daughter of the Titan Atlas.

Later on, he married Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty, and they a single child, Hermaphroditus. The center of his cult was Arcadia, the place of his birth.

Mercury was the god of commerce and thievery. He was also the god of merchants and gain. Mercury is the god of fertility and of flocks. He was the patron of travelers, vagabonds, and thieves. He is also the god of cunning and trickery, the messenger of the gods, and a dangerous foe. He was very, very fast. Mercury was the guardian of borders and of roads. He conducted souls to the underworld. His wand possessed magical powers and had control over sleeping, waking, and dreams.

There is only one major myth involving Mercury. This is the one entitled "The Golden Cattle of Apollo." Once Mercury was born,