Of Mice and Men (by John Steinbeck) Chapter 3 Analyzation

Essay by xuyen1230Junior High, 9th grade October 2004

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George and Slim had further the characterization of Lennie by carrying out a conversation of Lennie's intelligence and good personalities. Slim stated, "Maybe he ain't bright, but I never seen such a worker" (p39). This proved that although Lennie is dumb, he is surely strong. George also explained a little of Lennie's background when he said, "Him and me was both born in Auburn. I knowed his Aunt Clara. She took him when he was a baby and raised him up. When his Aunt Clara died, Lennie just come along with me out working'" (p40). Slim sad, "He's a nice fella" (p40) and "He ain't mean. I can see Lennie ain't a bit mean" (p41). George agreed, " 'Course he ain't mean. But he gets in trouble alla time because he's so God damn dumb" (p41). This conversation between George and Slim about Lennie was somewhat helpful in continuing our characterization.

Now we know where Lennie's relatives are, and why he is to follow George. Also, we know that Lennie is very hard-working, and very nice. However, he is a bit of a troublemaker. Maybe this is a foreshadow of what troubles may occur if Lennie accidentally misbehaves.

Through the first part of this chapter, we learn that George is very protective and caring for Lennie. "it jus' seems kinda funny a cuckoo like him and a smart little guy like you travelin' together" (p39). When Slim said this, George defended Lennie by saying, "he ain't no cuckoo. He's dumb as hell, but he ain't crazy. An' I ain't so bright neither, or I wouldn't be buckin' barley for my fifty and found" (p39). George definitely doesn't seem to like others mocking Lennie's disabilities. " 'Course Lennie's a God damn nuisance most of the time. But you get...