The middle east. A bloody history of conflict between the followers of Judaism and Islam. Speaks of the politics involved and Judgement day for the peace processes and

Essay by Anonymous UserCollege, UndergraduateA, May 1995

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' It must be peace without victory. Only a peace between equals can last: only a

peace, the very principle of which is equality, and a common participation in a common

benefit. ' ( Tiger, 1990, 418)

The Holy land of Israel has witnessed the birth of Judaism and Islam. Israel has also

suffered the wrath of a long and bloody history of conflict between the followers of these

religions. The hostility has spanned from the early ages to modern day. The bloodshed was due

mainly to religious disputes and land. For many Jews, Israel was the realization of a promise

made to them by God; that after centuries of suffering at the hands of anti-semetists, they would

return to this ' promise land '. The Palestinian Arabs were outraged, as they felt threatened by the

Jewish immigration to what they thought was their own land which they have occupied for

centuries. Palestinians countered the Jews claim to the land of Israel with one of their own. The

United Nations granted the displaced Jews Israel, this ignited the bloody conflict between the

two. Jews and Palestinians have continually fought over the land of Israel, in order to stake a

claim to it and call it their home. The religious differences between both are marginal. There

ancestors once lived together as one, and now this forgotten era has returned and is now at hand.

The past is now disputed in the present, and the present will no doubt dictate the future.

Palestine and Israel have similar paths, though 50 years apart. In order to avoid further

bloodshed, Israel must grant the displaced Palestinians land for settlement, just as the UN

granted land for the displaced Jews after World War II.

' History is little more than the register of the crimes,