Minister's Black Veil

Essay by diplomatic_7 December 2004

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The Minister's Black Veil story is about a young minister of the church named Father Hooper who has a strange appearance because of the black veil he wears over his face in different occasions whether it is a weeding or funeral and wears it wherever he goes.

In this romantic work Hawthorne calls the reader's attention to the veil as an obvious symbol, which not only hides the face of the minister from view but also colors his view of the world.

The minister's veil which is made of two folds of crape, makes others talk about the minister and feel frightened of.

It is, in short a "symbol of symbols".

A reader can notice that Mr. Hooper made people uncomfortable of himself because he wants to show them the reality of themselves, however due to people naturally they do not show their reality.

This story has an abstract quality and romantic beliefs which Father Hooper owns which stress imagination over reason.

Finally what Nathaniel Hawthorne tries to pass to his readers is that each of us wears his own "black veil". Nevertheless, if we are willing to acknowledge the darkness in ourselves, there is an hour to come when all of us shall cast aside our veils.