Mobile Commerce Acceptance -An Investigation of Antecedent Factors

Essay by contemplationUniversity, Master'sA, May 2010

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Mobile Commerce Acceptance - an Investigation of Antecedent Factors

Mustafa Erdemlier

Humboldt University of Berlin, Faculty of Economics, Spandauerstr 1, 10178 Berlin, Germany

Abstract. This paper presents an extended investigation of several articles conducted on user acceptance criteria of mobile commerce. The most influential group of antecedent factors related to m-commerce acceptance is about usefulness. Moreover, some understudied factors about cultural values, psychological factors and consumer behavior has also been found to have significant effects on user's m-commerce adoption decisions according to various studies. Furthermore, a successful m-commerce adoption case study from South Africa is presented as an application part. The paper ends with the presentation of most striking conclusions from various studies and the optimal research path for the future studies.

Keywords: M-Commerce, TAM, Adoption, Perceived Usefulness

1 Introduction

Mobile phones are commonly used by a wide range of consumers. From rich countries to poor ones, the adoption of mobile phones has been faster than any other electronic devices.

Many experts have already labeled the first decade of 21st century as the decade of mobile commerce as the m-commerce revenues reached to half trillion dollars by 2009 [15], [26].

Mobile commerce can be defined as a shopping experience without a medium of physical shop so that users buy or sell goods or services via their mobile devices. The most striking feature of m-commerce is the fact that the transactions can take place anytime, anywhere. Several examples of this experience includes downloading music/graphics/animations, shop for goods and services, play interactive online games, trade stocks, book tickets, find friends, conduct financial and banking transactions and so on [33].

In order for firms to design successful m-commerce strategies, they first need to understand the factors that influence user's decisions to get involved in the m-commerce. Many theories exist in order to...