More Gore, Please an essay on censorship and its (un)affectness

Essay by frogstuCollege, Undergraduate April 2005

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More Gore, Please.

The freedom of speech is the most essential right in any free society. Without the freedom to express ourselves, what are we but drones? The government has tried through many means to control what the average Brit hears and sees, but continually, the government finds itself using more and more subversive ways to filter what he/she perceives. Public media, throughout time, has been a highly controlled aspect of culture. From the Church excommunicating authors of sacrilegious literature to the Nazi burning of books, entities of power have dictated what the public should enjoy. As time rolls on people yearn for depravity, they desire blood and sex. Despite bleeping and blurring, music and television have progressively declined in morality and prudence. With the continual increase in the liberality of speech one has to ask the question, how effective has censorship been in quelling obscene material? Censorship proves itself as an obsolete mechanism because the people crave what it attempts to protect them from.

Music, with its wide variety of forms, has been the victim of harsh scrutiny throughout its life. Ever since music broke from its religious roots, it has been increasingly pushing the border of what is and what is not acceptable. The first important border was secular music which was successfully broken by troubadours of the Middle Ages. As time went on more and more anathemas were broken by musicians allowing more and more risqué and volatile works. This struggle for freedom of expression in music can be seen even today. The style of music known as "Punk Rock" has, by essence of its name, been continually a problem to conservative types. Punk Rock has been as much about its public appearance and message as it has been about the music. To say where exactly Punk...