Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare Much ado about nothing is considered a comedy, but the decision by Claudio to publicly disgrace Hero appears to be far from humorous.

Essay by cheat_05High School, 11th gradeB+, June 2005

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Shakespeare really wrote three different types of play. These three groups were his Histories such as 'Richard II' and 'Henry V', his Tragedies like 'King Lear' and 'Macbeth'; and finally his comedies. His plays were differentiated according to the themes they dealt with etc. One such play written between 1596 and 1599 was 'Much Ado About Nothing'. 'Much Ado About Nothing' came under the title of a comedy, which was shown in the text by Shakespeare's use of light language with good-natured wit and repartee, his use of the idiotic constable Dogberry and his rambling incoherence; and the 'merry' war between Beatrice and Signor Benedick. During the time of its first performance 'Much Ado About Nothing would have gained much popularity among all those who viewed it because of its good nature. 'Much Ado About Nothing' dealt with themes of universal appeal: love, status, relationships between men and women; and the ways which we perceive each other.

Though a comedy, Shakespeare explores darkness and deceit through the use of Don John and his plan to get revenge on Claudio.

Don John in 'Much Ado About Nothing' is Don Pedro's brother who we are told in the beginning of the play have just completed a battle against each other. In the army of Don Pedro is a man who has fought valiantly and may well have been the cause of Don Pedro's victory. This man is Claudio. Because of this Don John has a deep resentment for Claudio and seeks out to make him pay for his part in the war. His first plan backfires due to the fact that he did not think it out properly, but he then learns of the impending marriage of Hero and Claudio but struggles for a plan. It is his sidekick Borachio who...