My Phenomenology of Freedom

Essay by angelica112College, Undergraduate April 2014

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Freedom means different things to many diverse individual. What does freedom mean then? To what extent are we free? All of us love freedom. No one enjoys being in captivity. The idea of being lockup in a dark dungeon against your will is not exactly favorable. In fact, many wars have been waged in the name of freedom. So freedom has several connotations to it like a politician, for example, would focus on freedom as a right whereas a Christian would emphasize freedom as a responsibility. Freedom to do would necessarily differ from freedom to subjugate forces. So I will start my phenomenology of freedom, to begin this I must precede with the first step of the methods of phenomenology which is Epoche. In epoche, I start to suspend all my judgments, biases, prejudice and start on a clean slate with an open mind and must not uphold anything when I start to bracket in this phase.

So what constitute freedom? Freedom is inwardness, spontaneity to live a life on one's own choice and will not be dictated by people who have a problem with it. This is the ability that is an unapologetic feeling of free will without subjected to any undue restraint on living in one's own rights on one's decisions and action, apart from external coercion. It is being authentic, just being raw in its glory, to simply put it, is to be yourself and not trying too hard to be someone else and express diversity. In short, it is being committed to the truth. What I learn about freedom when I was raised growing up as a Christian, it is belief that freedom to be the duty and responsibility following the law and loving one's fellowmen and standing up for them. These are...