Mysticism And Physics

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade April 2001

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Ever since the 16th century, a paradigm of thought has dominated the field of physics. But recently, physics has been dealing with a profoundly deeper question than the speed of particles. The new question in physics is; Does the mind have anything to do with our perception of the physical world. And if it does, then what role does our consciousness play in the creation of the universe as we know it? These are also the same questions that the mystics all over the world have been asking for thousands of years. For years science has been thought of as an opponent of religion. The purpose of this paper is to try to reconcile this new physics with the aspect of religion known as mysticism, and try to find similarities between the two that prove that science is moving in the direction of religion, and not away from it.

In the middle of the 16th century, the scientific revolution was beginning to take place all over Europe.

The Polish clergyman/astronomer Nicholus Copernicus puts forth his heliocentric theory of the universe, putting to question almost fifteen hundred years of the belief that the earth was at the center of the universe. He didn't publish his work, "On The Revolution of the Celestial Spheres", until he was on his deathbed in 1543 for fear of the repercussions it may bring. Thirty years after Copernicus's death, Johannes Kepler, a German astronomer puts forth even more evidence that the sun is at the center of the universe by calculating the positions of the planets as they moved around the sun. Around the same time that this new theory of astronomy was making its way into the public opinion, Rene Descartes in France was using his mathematical procedures to describe the events taking place in...