Napoleon killed and persevered the gains of the Revolution. This paper is about the revolution and how Napoleon affected it.

Essay by Ericindtown@aolHigh School, 10th gradeB, February 2004

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Napoleon killed and persevered the gains of the Revolution?

Napoleon was an egotistical, power-hungry monarch that killed the revolution he made sure there were no women's rights and that liberty was abolished. Napoleon in a strange way also preserved some of the gains from the French revolution. He made friends with the Catholic Church and completed.

Napoleon helped keep some of the gains of the revolution by working out compromises between the estates. He employed more people from all political groups. Gave more rights to the peasants than ever before. Granted more freedom to the nobles. Napoleon spread more education through out France. He singed the Concordat of 1801 with the pope and gave Catholics freedom of worship. The state named bishops and paid priests, a taboo in the past. The church also gave up its claims on property. He had the clergy swore loyalty to the state. This was a huge gain: the church was starting to compromise some of it's believes for Napoleon.

Napoleon's cocky order is a main reason that most historians believe that his rule was the end of the revolution. He had a government control of the provinces. Napoleon put a halt to freedom of speech and free press. A secret police were devolved to spy and obey Napoleons every wish. They murdered the Bourdon Duke of Enghien 1804. Napoleon stopped free elections, especially after he declared himself emperor. Napoleon abolished all privileges of birth, basically all liberty. Had most state officials chosen by merit. He also gave men control over their wife's. Were there was a definite double standard.

Napoleon used fears of a Bourbon comeback to crown himself. Yet another new constitution also approved by suffrage. The Pope was going to crown him but instead grabbed the crown and crowned himself. A leader...