Nazi Germany and its Children

Essay by KurtCollege, UndergraduateA, March 1997

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The way of living for Jewish Children changed for the worse when the Holocaust struck Eastern Europe. The steadily rising Socialist Workers' Party (Nazis) that started in the early nineteen thirties would eventually lead to genocide. The Nazis believed that Jews were corrupting society, and that they had plans to take over the world in the near future. Hitler, the Fuhrer of the Nazi Party, had a long range plan called 'The Final Solution' which meant the eventual annihilation of the Jewish race. Hitler made his ideas clear when he stated 'Today I am going to play the prophet. If international Jewry should succeed in...plunging Europe into a world war, the result shall not be...a victory of Judaism but the annihilation of the Jews of Europe.' (Rogasky, 34). Hitler had created his own race called the 'Aryan race' which was composed of people with pure German blood. This race was the base of all his ideals.

If you didn't belong to this race, you didn't belong on this planet. Although the Jews were the most persecuted race, Gypsies and many other non-Aryan races were also persecuted.

The first step of Hitler's 'Final Solution' was the gathering of Jews. Once captured from their homes, they were taken to places called ghettos. Ghettos were fenced in communities where the Jews could be held under supervision of the Nazis. The ghettos were over populated and the quarters were small. Anywhere from two to four families would share a room no larger than thirty by thirty feet. Many of the people that lived in the ghettos died of hunger and disease. The Nazis intentionally deprived the Jews of food to weaken and kill them. The Jews were not offered

heat, or even clothes. On rare occasions, the Jews were offered a shirt or pants...