Northern Ireland GCSE coursework, Question 1.

Essay by superier1High School, 11th gradeA-, October 2005

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The former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George was desperate to find an end to the Irish conflict. He therefore imposed the 'partition' in 1922. Ulster was split into six counties: Fermanagh, Tyrone, Armagh, Down, Antrim and Londonderry now officially called Northern Ireland.

As you can see from the map above the Catholics were the minority in Northern Ireland. Because they were a minority, this left them disadvantaged. They were poorer, less educated left out of high ranked positions leaving them with a bad way of life.

Segregation was a key concept in the employment of Catholics and Protestants. Many industries and businesses employed only Catholics or Protestants. Often it was connected to the location of the business. For example the county Atrium was mainly protestant because it was situated in a protestant area, most of the jobs would go to the Protestants. Because Northern Ireland was controlled by the Protestants there wont be much jobs going to Catholics.

The Belfast shipyard - the biggest single source of employment in the city. It employed 10,000 workers of whom 400 were catholic. Unionist policies in keeping Catholics out of jobs led the Catholics to a poor and terrible life. It was a bit like the black Americans being ruled out of human rights by the white Americans. Policies to keep Catholics out of good jobs were even supported by former Northern Ireland prime minister Basil Brookes who said, "There are a great number of orange men who employ Roman Catholics.... I would appeal to loyalists therefore possible to employ protestant lads and lassies". Here Basil Brookes is saying don't employ Roman Catholics just employ Protestants. This goes to show how even one of the prime ministers of Northern Ireland even supported the discrimination policies Catholics had to face. Of...