Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors

Essay by mary dirtpirateHigh School, 12th grade March 1997

download word file, 7 pages 4.1

'Compulsive' and 'obsessive' have become

everyday words. 'I'm compulsive' is how some

people describe their need for neatness,

punctuality, and shoes lined up in the closets.

'He's so compulsive is shorthand for calling

someone uptight, controlling, and not much fun.

'She's obsessed with him' is a way of saying your

friend is hopelessly lovesick. That is not how

these words are used to describe Obsessive-

Compulsive Disorder or OCD, a strange and

fascinating sickness of ritual and doubts run wild.

OCD can begin suddenly and is usually seen as a

problem as soon as it starts.

Compulsives (a term for patients who mostly

ritualize) and obsessives (those who think of

something over and over again) rarely have

rituals or thoughts about nuetral questions or

behaviors. What are their rituals about? There

are several possible ways to list symptoms of

OCD. All sources agree that the most common

preoccupations are dirt (washing, germs,

touching), checking for safety or closed spaces

(closets, doors, drawers, appliances, light

switches), and thoughts, often thoughts about

unacceptable violent, sexual, or crude behavior.

When the thoughts and rituals of OCD are

intense, the victim's work and home life

disintigrate. Obsessions are persistant,

senseless, worrisome, and often times,

embarrassing, or frightening thoughts that repeat

over and over in the mind in an endless loop.

The automatic nature of these recurant thoughts

makes them difficult for the person to ignore or

restrain successfully.

The essence of a Compulsive Personality

Disorder is normally found in a restricted person,

who is a perfectionist to a degree that demands

that others to submit to hisher way of doing

things. A compulsive personality is also often

indecisive and excessively devoted to work to

the exclusion of pleasure. When pleasure is

considered, it is something to be planned and

worked for.