"The Odyssey" as a Metaphor; Homer's narrative tale

Essay by Punjabi-Bl00dzHigh School, 10th gradeA, December 2006

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In Homer's narrative tale of the Odyssey, the august Odysseus is stranded from his magical kingdom called Ithica for twenty long and lonely years and he faces many monsters and troubles on his journey back home from the Trojan War. During Odysseus's long era of being stranded away from home, he faces a circumstance in which he has to choose between the two paths of Scylla and Charybdis. Just as Odysseus, I have also faced a very similar difficulty in my life by having to choose between sports and school. Making decisions can be a tough thing to do. Making an ubiquitous decision where you know that you are going to lose both ways is the toughest thing to do, just like Odysseus and I had to.

Odysseus is on a quest to get back to his homeland Ithica, and in the process he and his men have a choice as to travel either through Charybdis or go through the malevolent Scylla.

Taking the path of Charybdis would mean that he would have to be extremely lucky otherwise Charybdis would suck up his boat in a whirlpool. Having a situation like that happen would be very tragic and he would have only a mere chance of making it through alive. On the other hand, taking the path of Scylla is also awful because there is a chance that he will lose some of his men in the process. While he is steering his ship near the rocks, a nemesis called Scylla will jump out unexpectedly and eat his men. No man on this earth would want to lose his men or lose his entire ship to a whirlpool. In the end, Odysseus decides to go with the path of Scylla and in the process he ends up losing...