The Odyssey- how the plot follows a similar pattern

Essay by mikemcmenamyHigh School, 10th gradeA-, February 2005

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Odyssey Essay

In many epics like The Odyssey, by Homer, the plot seems to follow a similar pattern even though it is set in a different time and place. These stories are filled with conflicts, and the hero frequently faces death. Odysseus's goal is to return home from the Trojan War to Ithaca, to see his wife and son again. Odysseus overcomes the obstacles that he faces and reaches his goal of returning home to see his family.

When Odysseus, like other heroes, is in trouble, he comes up with a clever idea and escapes danger, especially when he and his men are almost killed by the Cyclops, Odysseus saves his men by hiding them under the rams, which are strong animals that provide protection for the men. When

the Cyclops is feeling around for them all he feels are the rams, so he cannot find them.

The Sirens try to tempt Odysseus and his men to their deaths, but thanks to Odysseus's brilliant idea to put wax in his men's ears they survive the adventure. "But now the suitors turned to play again with dance and haunting song. They played till nightfall indeed black night came on them at their pleasure." Many times throughout the story Odysseus must use his wit to save himself and his men.

The first major conflict in The Odyssey is between Odysseus and Polyphemus. Polyphemus is a Cyclops that is eating Odysseus's men until Odysseus comes up with a very bright idea. He stabs Polyphemus in the eye, then ties his men underneath the rams, and when Polyphemus lets his sheep out of the cave Odysseus's men escape. But then Odysseus makes a bad decision and taunts Polyphemus and almost gets himself and his men killed. "If...