One of the best business plans i have ever writin. "BTS" Buy The Slice pizza place. Amazing business plan!!!

Essay by atapperUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, May 2004

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Buy The Slice

Corner of W. Michigan & Howard

Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008

I. Executive Summary

In today's society, people are pressed for time. This is especially true for a college student. At this stage in life, one does not want to waste time cooking a meal. They want a meal that tastes good, is quick, and easy to obtain. This is what will help Buy The Slice succeed in the business world. With a location at the corners of Howard St. and W. Michigan Ave. in Kalamazoo, Buy The Slice, will be right on the Western Michigan University campus. This will allow very easy access for our target market of college students. It is in walking distance from the main campus and from dorm rooms for those students who do not have a car. We offer a new dimension in the pizza business. Purchasing pizza by the slice allows our customers to come in and sit down to enjoy a few slices of pizza at a cheap cost.

By doing this, our business has eliminated the hassle of carrying a box of left over pizza, the customer does not have to buy more than he or she wants to eat. With a pleased target market we shall compete with the competition and out do them in areas that they do not offer.

Purchasing pizza buy the slice is a new venture into the pizza world. With the quick and easy accessibility it will intrigue many consumers to try something new and different. Our owners figure that the lunch period of 11:30p.m.-2p.m., dinner period of 4:30p.m.-6:30p.m., and then a late night period on weekends from 11p.m.-2a.m will be the best money grossing times. As mention previously Buy The Slice gives the customer the chance to only buy a slice at a...