The one thing

Essay by jdelio86College, UndergraduateB+, August 2004

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The One Thing

The art of good writing comes from the artist within. All humans have the ability to become authors and poets. So with that in mind, why do I always find writing an essay such a difficult task? I'll tell you what, the one thing I want to get out of this course is to become a more sophisticated writer.

There are a few good reasons for me to become a better writer. For example I love to write, but right now the documents and essays I sometimes bang out aren't so admirable. I know this because of past experiences in writing classes at my high school and feedback from teachers. So hopefully I can get more desirable writing skills by taking this course.

We all know excellent writing isn't everyone's thing, But to me it is my one thing. I will accomplish my goal to become a better writer by taking teachers, and even students, criticism on my writing very seriously.

Another key element that will help me accomplish this is by carefully reading others, impressive work precisely. This is how so many good writers have learned to write so well. By doing this I hope it will be beneficial in developing the writing strategies I need to accomplish my goal this semester in my composition class.

Getting my "One Thing" out of this course should play a big role in my future and how successful I will be. It will help me by gaining better writing expertise. I will then develop more creative thoughts which will help me burst through writer's block. All these skills I've mentioned will come in handy and get me great opportunities such as scholarships, grants, admission into a state university and even an important role in a...