When one thinks of a person that changed the history

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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When one thinks of a person that changed the history of America, George Washington reveals to be one of the most important figures. He was an outstanding founding father for our beloved country. He formed the intellectual, the structural, and the free base for America. George Washington was also an outstanding general in the early United States revolution against our all time colonial enemy, Great Britain. The first permanent immigration to the United States was from Britain. People were held under the power of the king, and were limited in their freedom. By moving to The Colonies of America, they gained their individual freedom. America was the epitome of freedom to the early settlers. As citizens of England moved to America, Parliament became extremely furious that they could not rule the new colonies. Eventually a large war emerged between the United States of America and the forces of Great Britain.

British troops were sent to destroy the new found glory. America, being a very young country, had minimal power to overpower the British red-coats. George Washington was the most upheld leader in these battles of the countries. He had the will, the courage, and the faith that it took to defeat the British forces. He became an outstanding general to the United States advantage. His Military achievements included his understanding of military power. George Washington was a brilliant man when it came to understanding the art of warfare. He also used a system of strategic retreat many times to uphold the survival of the American troops. This enabled the troops to learn to survive. It also helped Washington develop enough force to eventually drive away the threatening forces of Great Britain. The greatest of George Washington's military achievements were his very important Revolutionary War victories. George Washington led his troops along with boosted American citizens to an all-time victory, the freedom from Parliament of Great Britain.

George Washington had one of the greatest understandings of military power. His strategies and victories are all the result of his ingenious philosophy of the Revolutionary War. Due do is extravagant popularity, George Washington was elected to be the Chief of the Continental Army. In high military office, Washington would show the country that they had made the right decision by electing him. George became even better known in the military than he had already been. He was an outstanding field general. Washington was in the service for decades, showing his outstanding faith for the United States of America. In certain times, Washington faced several problems. The biggest was his shortage of men. The men that he did have went on long term periods of time without pay. He also faced shortages of weapons and food. But even though he had these problems, he quickly made-do and led his country onward. George Washington had a strange appeal to him; it is that he would not appeal to the public citizens or the people in general. Washington wanted the country to succeed strictly. He had an outstanding concept and understanding of the U.S. territories and landscapes. This came into use when fighting troops and using his famous use of retreat. His understanding of landscapes and territories enabled Washington to have a great advantage over the British troops, who were unfamiliar with the foreign landscapes. The most outstanding ability that Washington used was his great ability to take on several tasks at one time. This was one of the most predominant reasons for the defeat of the British authority. Washington also had a great understanding of maintenance. Another great strategy that he possessed was that he could keep up forts or posts. A fort or post under the guard of Washington was a great relief to the American Army. George Washington had an understanding that the British forces had an outstanding Navy force. He always considered the threat of the British Navy. By knowing this, Washington always had the secondary great navy of France on the American side. This secured the American Military's worries of a large British Navy attack. He set up many posts on the east coast and on several bays and inlets. This enabled the U.S. troops to have a protective layer of information that could save them from a surprise naval attack.

Washington's use of strategic retreat enabled his army to achieve many things. This mainly allowed George Washington's troops to survive certain British attacks. In the Revolutionary War, if the British troops were unsuccessful and went back across the Atlantic Ocean, America was to be declared a free country. It was different for the American troops. If they decided to retreat and go home, there would always be a better time for a battle. This was the way that George Washington understood strategic retreats. His use of strategic retreat in the French and Indian War shaped his strong reputation of a great leader. Washington never allowed his troops to be trapped, whether in the French and Indian War, or in the Revolutionary War. His goal was always to have at least a minimum of troops to survive. This would not be a surrender, or a defeat, it would be strategic retreat. Washington knew this, and under his great understanding of war, his use of retreat always guaranteed survival of his troops. This became well known in the American military, and it was a highly effective strategy considering the immensely small size of the military in America in those times. In the Battle of Long Island, the British troops managed to basically defeat the American troops. George Washington and his troops were still in commission. Washington and his troops fled to a nearby American fort. The British troops fled from Long Island to Manhattan. Soon after, Washington led his troops to a large hill in White Plains. The British troops were led to a higher hill nearby. George Washington and his troops climbed an even higher hill near New Castle. Eventually the British troops enforced a surprise attack from behind. Washington had already considered this route that the British would take. He led his troops to a successful strategic retreat and fled leaving all of his troops amazingly unharmed.

As a very important military leader in the Revolutionary War, George Washington had several successive war victories. Even though the skillful strategy of retreat had never failed him, Washington soon discovered that he could not run forever. He had to face and defeat the British Army by using force, not retreat. The military and America needed to have victory, not just survive.

On Christmas day in seventeen-seventy-six, George Washington led his troops across the Delaware River from Pennsylvania to New Jersey. Washington and his troops surprise attacked the British on the twenty-sixth of December. A very successful victory, Washington and his troops killed two dozen and captured over nine-hundred Hessians that were hired by the British. A much unexpected toll of zero deaths, and two wounded troops was the result on Washington's division of the ground troops. On January third of seventeen-seventy-seven, Washington and his fleet encountered two regiments near the town of Princeton, New Jersey. Almost immediately, the British moved into formation for battle. The American troops were panicked and scared. Washington rode ahead on his huge white horse and shouted, "Parade with me my brave fellows". The American troops led a successful attack on the enemy. The British fled, hence boosting the spirits of many Americans.

On June 28, 1778 was the Battle of Monmouth. Washington had an incredible feat to take task of. His part of the army was up to face a British stampede of ten-thousand troops. This was larger than any other force that General Washington had battled against. General Charles Lee initiated a retreat of the American troops. Washington objected and gathered his troops to attack the British. The battle was a success; the British were forced to retreat to New York. A French ally serving on the American alliance, stated that George Washington "seemed to arrest fortune with one glance… His presence stopped the retreat… His graceful bearing on horseback, his calm and deportment which still retained a trace of displeasure… Were all calculated to inspire the highest degree of enthusiasm… I thought then as now that I had never beheld so superb a man." After the Battle of Monmouth, the war pressed on for four more years. In seventeen-seventy-eight, The French allied with the Americans contributing weapons, troops, and most importantly, a Navy. General Cornwallis moved across Virginia and eventually to the Chesapeake Bay where he expected the British Navy to join him. But the British Navy had to consider the support of the French to the Americans. The Admiral de Grasse drove the British from the Chesapeake Bay with the French Navy. Washington and his troops along with the French pounded the British at Yorktown. General Cornwallis did not do anything for three whole weeks. Finally, he surrendered on October 17. He had been surrounded by French and American troops and gave it all up. After a long and perilous war, the Revolutionary War was finally over. Washington and his fleet had achieved the final victory for the freedom of the Untied States of America.

George Washington became to be a president of at least two terms. He was the most favored president of all time. He was the epitome of the perfect president. He never campaigned either. He just sat at his home and let the elections go by. If he was wanted by the people, then he would be president. Washington earned the name of the "founding father" of the United States by achieving all of the outstanding feats. His military brilliance and success gave him the reputation to lead the new country. If George Washington had never existed, America would not be what it is today. We never would have won the Revolutionary War. Washington won the Revolutionary War for us. We could still be under the rule of Parliament. Our freedom and our structure would be depleted. Nobody would understand what a free democracy or republic is. Nobody would understand the freedom of religion, the freedom of speech, or any other individual rights that Americans so luckily have. The great nation of America would not exist. Washington's existence created an immense impact even on the world. Where would the world be? Would Nazi Germany still be ruling Europe? There are endless credits that George Washington deserves. The biggest being a thank you for our beautiful nation, the United States of America.