
Essay by sasha123High School, 12th gradeB, June 2014

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A naïve person is someone who shows a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement; this individual can be perceived as a very innocent and unsophisticated human. But why may one be this way, what lead them to become so wide-eyed? In William Shakespeare's play Hamlet, a minor character with a big contribution, Ophelia, is a young naive girl who has an unrealistic painting of the world so when reality strikes, she goes mad. Ophelia is very sincere and innocent; she is therefore helpless in many situations because she has not yet been exposed to enough life to know exactly how to react in certain scenarios. Much of her time in the play she is confused, therefore; she acts very childlike and depends on the people around her. Laertes is the over-protective older brother that would dislike seeing his sister as a victim of the harsh world. Ophelia's father, Polonius, has sheltered her since the death of her mother, he has treated her as if she were a baby ever since and she, in return, would not dare dishonour him or put shame on the families name.

Ophelia being so young and her having no experience with relationships results in confusion when Hamlet really does not want anything to do with her. Instead of ending all contact with Hamlet, she continues to treat him with respect, and in return, his brutality of verbal abuse not only continues, but increases. The naïve behaviour of Ophelia towards the world can be explained by her being brought up by Laertes and Polonius

In Hamlet, Laertes is very protecting of Ophelia because he wants no harm to come to her. Laertes has been guiding Ophelia since she has been a child; she depends on his advice and expertise of the world to...