An opinion on the role of the media in a post- 9/11 world.

Essay by orfindelHigh School, 10th gradeB+, April 2003

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The ground begins to shake, fire shoots from freshly opened craters, an unholy deep voice bellows from what seems to be the center of the earth, "it is your time", says the voice, and a staircase emerges. But before you even see the slightest wisp of smoke you hear about it on the radio, the tv, and the next day tabloid headlines everywhere would read, "Satan speaks out on prop. 22", yes, the speed of the media is something only rivaled by a bolt of lightning. Of course as any good journalist knows, you must also be thorough, you mustn't just skim the surface of a matter, but you must dig for information like a precious gem. When you hear about a case on the radio or on tv, they don't just say that a person died, they say who, where, when, and why. Some even give speculation, and open the show for the public to call in and discuss the case.

When the Daniel Van Dam case ended I could have written a book with all the information that I knew at that point, the forensic evidence, the heated argument, and as in any good plot, a villain.

On September 11th 2001 over three thousand people lost their lives, when policeman and fireman were going through rubble looking for survivors, the camera crew was right there with them, broadcasting the news across the US. When a fire hits, the news choppers are circling around right along side of the fire choppers. These people risk their lives to retrieve information, most of which is forgotten by the public in a matter of hours.

However as with any profession, money has to be made, the media can only cover the stories that they feel will bring in the most...