Opinions About Abortion

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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Abortion has been a big issue in the year 2004, and everyone seems to have an opinion on it. With tons of protest for and against it, abortion has proved to be one of the most touching issues this year. This subject seems to bring out the best and worst in a person. Arguments often become extremely passionate with tears of pain and words of sadness on both parts. Freedom of choice, murder, and God are the words one will hear when listening to a discussion about abortion.

Before America had abortion clinics, many women all over the world died from illegal forms of abortion. Feeling they had no choice, they resulted to clothes hangers, throwing themselves down stairs, drinking bleach, and receiving abortions in unlicensed places with unclean instruments. These women were desperate, and scared. Now it is a woman's right to choose what happens to her body.

Pro-Choice supporters say "choice is the compromise". They believe that nothing should influence a woman's choice to remove a "fetus" which is not a even a formed baby. Whether it's not the right time, a pregnancy by rape, or just not being mature to deal, women have the right to choose which path their lives will go.

On the other hand, some women use abortion as an expensive form of birth control. Some women who do this are the ones involved with adult entertainment, and the ones that have a big income. Pro-Life supporters believe that the women who do this are abusing their choice and should be stopped. President Bush argued that women should not be allowed to have abortions. He also said it was murder of an innocent baby and women who have them will go to hell. Many people believe the same thing and some even...